Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So I've been trying to eat healthy lately. It's been 10 whole days now of healthy eating with one "bad" day. Let me just say, it stinks!

It all started by going on vacation. Eric and I decided we would eat whatever we wanted that week, and it ended up full of pastries, coffee, pizza, ice cream, candy, snow cones, popcorn, etc. If it had sugar, we ate it! That was a glorious week :) Well then we visited with family in Frankenmuth and happened upon a bakery... and then we visited with family in Virginia and went to our favorite place, the Desserterie. By the end of 3 weeks traveling I'm sure we had both gained weight and I may have had a sugar addiction! After sharing my story with my mom and asking "Is a sugar addiction a good thing?" she suggested this "diet" of sorts. Yeah right!

So my mom came to visit us in Nashville and brought this magazine full of "eat healthy" advice and decided she'd do it with me for 3 weeks. At the time I thought it sounded like a great idea. Eat healthy, start exercising again, and feel good, right? Well after 10 days of absolute misery I'm ready to quit! All of my favorite foods have been nixed... ice cream, pizza, bread, ice cream, yogurt, pasta, ice cream, fruit, candy, soda, and ICE CREAM! Every day I wake up ready to quit and somehow talk myself into finishing "just this one day." So far, this battle has happened in my head every day except one. Sunday.

On Sunday we decided to have some friends over for lunch, so I had to cook a FULL meal. We had spaghetti, chicken Parmesan, watermelon, garlic bread and fruit pizza. It was AMAZING! I even had a glass of sweet tea to finish it off. The truth is, none of those foods are on my "approved" list :) It felt good to be rebellious on my little diet!

I'm sure you guessed it, I definitely gained weight with that one day's meal... boo! I suppose that's how I energized myself enough to kick it into gear on Monday. So here it is Wednesday. Once again I want to quit. I'd love to eat a nice greasy pizza for dinner... but I won't. Even more than that I'd love to have a nice bowl of creamy ice cream tonight... I'll try not to.

Thank goodness for support (thanks, Mom). I'll do my best to finish out my 3 week commitment. Only 11 days to go!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

boo for diets! that is my downfall--I can't tell myself "no, you can't eat that"! good luck with it and keep up your will power :)