Saturday, September 14, 2013


Allow me to begin by saying, we are undoubtedly right where we need to be. However, as we become more settled and the rush of "things we need to do" calms down, the reality of being transplants in a new city sets in.

While I consider it a great honor and privilege to be home with my daughter, it is HARD! It's challenging when I don't know where to go, or what activities we can participate in. I have been spoiled this past year with a fantastically supportive MOMS Club, and a daily calendar of activities and playgroups in the homes of other mamas. I'm not looking for all-day entertainment here, I'm looking for an hour out of the house. An hour when I can look in the faces of other dedicated, struggling, and beautiful moms who are giving their best to their children. A time when I can share a laugh, or share some tears. A time when another mom can say, "Hang in there. We're in it together."

In full transparency, perhaps another reason I'm struggling this week is because I've been working during the days for the past 3 months, and Eric has been home. Looking back over the past 5 years, my times of greatest struggle are when I'm unemployed. And here I am, in week TWO of not having a job, and I'm going a little stir crazy!

I know I'm not alone. And I know that any of you who have moved to a new city can relate. This is, quite simply, part of acclimating into a new community. Soon, these emotions will pass. Soon, our calendar will be full and we will practice saying NO in order to preserve our sacred family time. Soon, we will begin to make friends. And instead of sitting at this picturesque coffee shop on the beach alone, I'll be sharing life with another.

At dinner time daily, when we pray with Justice, we thank God for our blessings. Today I'm thankful for the blessing of technology; for FaceTime, for email, for the phone. And I'm so incredibly thankful for the Fasani family. Most missionaries are planted in communities where they literally know no one. We are so fortunate to already know a family we met in Nashville a few years ago, thankful to be in this mission with a team.

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