Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's Coming

Our day is getting close.

Our baby's day is getting close.

We're 39 weeks today.  I still don't think we'll ever be "ready" but we're trying really hard!  The baby is definitely dropping, as my shape is changing fairly consistently.  It's awkward, but not awful.  I still feel great and spend upwards of 9 hours on my feet every day.  I guess there's some sit-stand-sit moments, but for the most part I'm on my feet and walking.  I am so thankful for my health, and the baby's health.

Throughout the past month or so I've had some benchmark dates of "If I can just get to here..."  I'm running out of benchmark dates :)  Tomorrow I turn in student portfolios to my principal.  I had been thinking this would be end-of-all-stress moments, when everything is turned in and all major loose ends are tied up.  But we have progress reports due on Monday.  And let's face it, I won't finish tomorrow!  I could be finished right now, but I don't want to leave a pile of grading and entering grades for my interim placement, so I'll probably spend a fair amount of time catching up on grades this weekend.

Next week should be a breeze at school... field trip, ridiculous amount of standardized testing (stinks, but takes hours of my day on 2 different days), an ecosystem unit in the library prepared by the librarian, a guest artist... and I'm sure I'm missing a thing or two.  This all equates to an out.of.control classroom of students, but also to less planning from me.

Oh, and we have a party tomorrow :)  I planned an Author's Celebration for my students.  So really, after tomorrow... and maybe a few weekend hours... I will have less stress.  And baby can make his/her appearance at any time.

Here's to hoping with less stress comes a few baby name ideas.  Well, really just one would due.

Come, baby, Come.

1 comment:

ashli elaine hanna said...

Wow Joy! I knew your due date was soon, and I even thought it might have already come and gone. You simply amaze me...still working full time, teaching, and about to pop! Good for you! I can't lie, I am thankful the Lord took my out of full time ministry with how my pregnancy has gone. I think it is mostly this transition here to Malaysia, but I have gotten sick multiple times (like bugs that I picked up here and there) and had an appendix scare the other weekend and was in the hospital for 3 days. As much as I miss working and am mourning that loss for now, the Lord knew what I needed, just like he knew you would be able to get through your semester till the end! Love it! Can't wait to see your little one! And no, we don't know if we are having a boy or girl yet. Do you know?! :)