Saturday, July 14, 2012


Justice has teeth!  We’ve been trying to get a good picture.  Turns out it’s harder than it looks.  Eric finally snagged this picture, which is a real treasure capturing BOTH a (half) smile and 2 teeth! 

I have been thoroughly enjoying my summer off.  Though I just finished my 3rd year in the classroom, this is my first summer off, and I must say, it’s fantastic J  We have certainly kept busy with our trip to Hawaii, a move, a trip to Chicago, and visits from friends and grandparents.  I still have a “to-do” list for almost every nap-time trying to get our belongings settled in a new place.  But the highlight amidst it all is enjoying our daughter and watching her grow.  I can not believe she is merely days away from the 8 month mark.  She has been a bundle of fun!  Justice now claps, is starting to wave (more of an arm-flap), and is gaining dexterity as she learns to drink from a sippy-cup.  She loves peek-a-boo, loves the cat, and loves her dad!  Her eyes track him, she reaches for him, she giggles at him, and she loves to play with his beard.  She’s still not crawling, but I’m increasingly more convinced she’ll learn by trying to reach her dad.  Our family time together is a blessing to us all.  

*Hope to have a video up soon*

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