Thursday, June 20, 2013

We're SO Busy: A Life in Transition

The past two weeks have been incredibly busy for Eric and I.  We have had some event or function or meeting every evening of the week and weekend.  We are out of our family rhythm, and we all feel it.

We have a number of new things happening in our lives.  Eric has finished one job (East Nashville Cooperative Ministry) and is now home with Justice during the week.  I have started a new job, and for the first time in over a year, I'm working every day.  I worked as a part-time reading teacher this past school year, but I was gone from home a total of 3 hours/day.  My current position, with the same ministry, totals about 6 hours/day.  I am incredibly grateful for Preston Taylor Ministry for a "job" that seems too perfect to be true, but it's still a change in our rhythm.  

Our family functions at our prime when our dear little one is on a schedule.  While we've been fairly consistent through the transition of primary caregiver, either Eric or I has been gone every night.  Justice asks (and whines) for the opposite parent, questions where "Daddy" is when we're in the car, runs to the door anxiously awaiting one of us to return, tries on our clothes, lays on "mama's pillow" or "daddy's bed," and is all together a bit more needy.  Needless to say, we are ready, and trying, to fall into a new rhythm.

One outcome I didn't expect is I haven't been a very good friend. You can probably tell simply from the tone in the beginning of this blog, I've been a bit self-centered.  I feel like I have been running around saying "I need to do this..." "I have to help with that..." "I have this meeting..." "I have a deadline..."  And I don't enjoy feeling that way.  What I notice upon reflecting is my tone and my word choice very much affects my attitude.  In our morning prayer time with coworkers this morning, another staff member gave a general reminder to be positive in our interactions with students.  While this is nothing new, I heard it in a new way today.  I heard it for myself.  This attitude check paired with my desire to be a better friend will bring change.  Now that I'm aware, I look forward to thinking about other people, catching up with dear friends, and intentional intercessory prayer for friends and enemies alike.  If there's anyone out there up for the challenge - I encourage you to hold me accountable :)  

Now... for a little life update: We had our "major" yard sale last weekend.  We sold all of our furniture, bookshelves, etc.  We will have one final yard sale this weekend to try to unload a little more.  We mainly have kitchen accessories, clothes, and a really random selection of everything from games, to extension cords, to picture frames, to blankets.  After Saturday, anything we aren't taking to Hawaii will be donated.  This week we need to itemize our list of belongings being shipped for the insurance company, and go through every closet and cupboard one final time.

11 days until our belongings ship to Hawaii
13 days until vacation with the Paul family

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