Saturday, January 19, 2013

Top 9

Several months ago I started making a list of things I love about Nashville.  After a few, I thought a "top 10" list would be fun.  Well... I got stuck, and never came up with 10!  About a week ago I vaguely remembered writing a "top 10" list for Michigan (except it somehow only got 9....).  Today I found that list, buried in my writer's notebook from 2 years ago :)  Sometimes snippets from the past are the best treasures! So without further ado...

Top 5 Things I Love About Nashville:

5. East Nashville MOMS Club
4. Bugtussle Farm (technically Kentucky - but they deliver to Nashville) 
3. Real Life Community Church of the Nazarene (technically Murfreesboro)
2. October
1. Sheryl (the most amazing midwife ever)

Top 9 Reasons to Live in Michigan

9. Summers are breezy and beautiful
8. You develop a keen eye for deer at dusk
7. It's a snow globe for 6 months out of the year
6. Every pay check is reason to celebrate*
5. You become an expert egotistical driver
4. There is no pressure to buy a house in order to "get your life started"*
3. Road maintenance is guaranteed work, probably even over-time from April-August
2. You probably never need sunglasses
1. The apple cider is real!

*Apparently I wrote this during an economical crisis.  I vaguely remember writing this during a season where I got a phone call each week from a different friend/family member who was losing their job.  Therefore, a couple numbers are a bit pessimistic.  Perhaps if I were writing it today it would sound a little different.  For example, under Top 10 Reasons to Live in Michigan... I would add another


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