Saturday, July 27, 2013

On Saying Goodbye

This week has been filled with goodbyes. We have been incredibly blessed with caring and generous friends, and have had family dinner dates 10 of the last 14 days. We have remained busy, and thus haven't been able to post as much as we hoped. But these days are important.

In a few hours our family will drive away from Nashville for what is likely the last time. The drive through Indianapolis and on towards Michigan seems so familiar,  so normal. We haven't done any extra planning or preparing for this drive. We've driven the route at least a dozen times over the past 5 years. Today will be different.

Today will be different because we're not coming back. This simple yet profound truth is also what makes saying "goodbye" difficult. No one wants to say goodbye. Most people prefer to say, "we'll see you again," or, "we'll visit you in Hawaii," or not just saying anything at all.  However, the reality about Nashville is we don't have any family here. And the reality about Hawaii is travel is expensive. So on the few occasions we can travel to the mainland, we will be visiting family.

I know some of our goodbyes this week have been awkward. And I know we, along with others, have walked away with fresh emotions. Each relationship holds a special place.  The community - the people within the community - have shaped us.  Eric and I are leaving Nashville much different people than when we arrived 5 years ago.  And we are so thankful.

This morning we will say goodbye to one more family - our dear, dear friends, the Morris'.  And I must say, this one will be the most difficult.  So this morning, as we pack our car and prepare for one more goodbye, I am thankful for relationships that change us, challenge us, and inspire us.  Though we won't return to Nashville, Nashville will always hold a place within.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Joy, keep posting! We love you guys. I also love the picture with Ella and Alistair! They are getting so big! God speed in your travels.