Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life As We Know It

Life as we know it is BUSY! I've had 2 full weeks on the job... going on 3... and I'm still breathing! The job is going well, definitely more difficult than I ever imagined, but well worth it. Eric and I got to take 5 kids with us to the Vanderbilt football game this weekend, and I will get to take 2 more students to the Nashville Predator's (hockey) game on Thursday. It's nice that the kids have an incentive to work towards :) I've also started giving out candy like crazy, and it's amazing what kids will do for sugar!

Eric is staying very busy with school and work. He just signed up for next semester's classes and it looks like he'll be just as busy. We both get home between 7-7:30, so our biggest adjustment has been making quick dinners to that we can eat by 8:00. We are thankful for the times we have together and are trying to be intentional about making more. This weekend we had dessert at the Cheesecake Factory... a true favorite for Eric!

In other news, we have a cat! His name is Max and he is a rolling, bouncing, running, prancing, playful, energetic ball of fun! His claws are sharp, his teeth are strong, and our hands are taking the brunt of it. Eric and I have resorted to wearing winter gloves around the house to protect ourselves! We're not sure the weather will ever be cold enough to actually need our gloves, so we don't mind wearing them inside.

1 comment:

Julia said...

I would just like to add that for a few days I was proudly sporting 3 scars from Max on my chin, and numerous (something like 17?) little scratches/puncture marks on my hands. I love your cat! :-P