Saturday, December 3, 2011

Postpartum Cravings

I made it through my entire 41 week and 2 day pregnancy without any real cravings.  Not only that, but I did a fairly decent job not eating a lot of sugary foods at all.  Today is postpartum day 7, and my sugar cravings are taking over my life!

Yesterday I developed a "need" for peanut butter rice krispie treats with chocolate on top.  I'm not sure what the real name for this magical piece of goodness is, but I wanted it.  I have never actually made them before, and only tasted them a time or two (perhaps college?) but the craving came... and so we have them :)
It wasn't until after they were made that I commented to Eric, "I guess we didn't really need a dessert, we have cookies in the freezer."

And then Eric reminded me of all the cookies in our freezer.

About a month ago, our midwife suggested we have a labor project in mind; something easy and enjoyable we could work on when I started early labor, to help pass the time.  She suggested baking cookies.  Sounded perfect to me.  I truly enjoy baking and we hadn't made cookies in a while.  Well, in true-to-my-character fashion, I didn't wait for labor to begin, and I made our cookies weeks ago.  Eric and I worked together on these gingerbread cookies and froze most of them.  The very next day I added a batch of sugar cookies to the mix and most of those are also in our freezer.

When labor actually began last weekend I was in need of a project.  Out came the baking supplies, which resulted in a half batch of chocolate chip cookies.  (Truth be told, the dough got made during labor, but the cookies never got baked.  Eric baked these a few days later).  And the rest of the chocolate chip dough is in our freezer.

Apparently sometime in the last few months I also made oatmeal raisin cookies.  I don't fully remember this, but Eric also found that dough in our freezer.  And I do remember snacking on the dough.

Last, but certainly not least, I also enjoyed the chocolate turtles within the first 24 hours of Justice's birth.  These were the turtles Eric bought me as an "after-the-baby-is-born" treat.

 We are certainly not lacking desserts in this household.

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