Thursday, September 18, 2008


As I've been saying lately, "I have good news, and I have bad news."

Good News: I have a part-time job!
Bad News: I'm still looking for a full-time job.

Let's focus on the good...
Eric and I have a new church to call home. We're pretty excited to be a part of this growing and down-to-earth church. We're still getting to know people, but we have felt very welcomed and loved thus far. Even better than having a church to call home is that I have been given the absolute privilege of working with the children! I get so excited when thinking about the endless possibilities of teaching kids and all of the cool things we can do. It keeps me awake at night pondering how I can live a real yet inspiring life. I want these kids to know Jesus so badly, yet all of my wonder and excitement inevitably boils down to the same thing. I need to have a right relationship with the Lord, and through that growing relationship the kids will meet Jesus.

All that to say... we have a new church :)


Julia said...

so, let me get this straight, is the job connected to or separate from the new church? either way, i'm happy for you guys to have a church home!! :) love yas!

Joy said...

Yes, it's the children's pastor position at the church :) Yay!

Ashley said...

Congratulations! I love that you're so passionate about this--it affirms that this is your life's work. I'm happy for ya :)