Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Long-Awaited Update

I have been getting lots of "So... do you have a job?" Here's my response: NO!

In an effort to save time and energy, here's the short story. I have been interviewing with a church for the past few months. It started with a few written interviews and a personality test, then proceeded on to a phone interview, in person interview, and a family interview. Not joking, longest interview process of my life. As you can imagine, I had gotten to know this church and it's people pretty well. I was excited about the community, the potential, the ministry, the job, the unknowns, the friends, etc. Eric and I both felt comfortable there, which is quite an accomplishment for us! Normally one of us has a "small issue" of some sort.

So this past week I was fully expecting the final offer. We had been through all salary/benefit negotiations and I was more or less waiting on a start date. Then it came... the fateful realization that we had doctrinal disagreements. After a few days of discussions, and 4 long days of processing (as I call it), I withdrew my name today. It was a difficult decision. I was sold out for that church. As I recently told a friend, I feel like I'm now grieving the loss of that church/job.

For the record, I still think it's a great church. I believe in the ministry they are doing. However, I need to be able to support 100% the work of the church, and I'm just not there. After that dreaded conversation (umm... I'm actually calling to withdraw my name...) I do feel better. I know it was the right decision.

On to other topics: THANK YOU to those who have "submitted" recipes! We love them! I have not tried them all, but we're getting there:) Also, Eric started classes and it's going well... he's excited every day to go to school!!

And so the job search for me continues...

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