Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Football Update

I mentioned in my previous post that we do not get ESPN. I need to clarify.

ESPN is not in the channel line-up we're paying for. However, if you go to that channel you can vaguely see a picture through "fuzz." I'm not sure what it's really called, but I grew up calling it a fuzzy channel. It's black and white, sounds awful, and you can barely make out a human figure.

Last night was the first "Monday Night Football," aired on ESPN. Well we definitely watched it, on a fuzzy screen, and muted. We honestly couldn't tell if the receivers were even catching the ball... but changing the channel was never an option.

On a more serious note, I know I poke fun at Eric and his love of football... but it is exciting to see how happy he gets when watching and participating in this sport that he loves. I hope everyone has a love like this... Something that makes you smile when everything else is going poorly... that you can talk about until you're out of breath, and then talk some more!

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